It’s official; I am strange! I’ve noticed quite a few times in the last few weeks that people have been looking at me oddly. Yesterday in Tesco for example; I was standing near the fridge where they keep the cold meats. As usual it was very busy, not only with shoppers but also with staff trying to stack the shelves. I had probably been standing there about five minutes waiting for a space to open so I could grab myself some sliced ham when two of the people blocking my path gave me a over the shoulder look.
You know when you are a young child you get taught that certain sounds must be suppressed, like burping and yawning loudly and as you get older and more sophisticated you stop snorting when you breathe in on a laugh and whooping when you get excited, you also learn not to sigh loudly when someone gets on your nerves. I think it’s called restraint.
Well I didn’t realise how much you rely on your hearing to keep yourself in check before now. I was aware of the problem of keeping the volume of my own voice on a certain level, having embarrassed people (mostly family and friends) countless times by speaking in a very loud voice.
The surprise was when I discovered I was walking around sighing loudly, tutting, clicking my tongue and possibly making other strange noises when I was thinking about something, especially if someone or something annoyed me. I believed I wasn’t making a sound if my lips weren’t moving!!